I spend most of my life working for government. Some government agencies need to be paid well to provide services that can be had nowhere else. For example, having seen them in action, if I'm in an automobile accident, I want Fire Paramedics working on me - not the barely trained people who drive the ambulance. If I call 911, I want professional, well trained, motivated police officers to come to my aid. Professionals cost money.
However, when you look at the numbers of people who work in the social services game within county and local government (one example) - and you see what they're paid to hand out welfare money to the parasitic dregs of society, it chills the blood. (apologies to Darlin' who is in school.) Remember 1/3 of all people receiving welfare benefits in the USA live in California. Eliminating all long term welfare benefits and the workers that go with them would balance the state budget.
The prison guards in California have a powerful union. And they make nearly $100,000.00 per year! There is an imbalance here. But nobody in the legislature wants to take on their union or the teacher's union.
Can Trump Really Abolish the Department of Education?
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*Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.*
Gage Skidmore
The president’s executive order is encouraging but will come to nothing if ...
13 hours ago