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The photo (above) illustrates the latest in technological advances for your pet. Remember that "science that is distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced". My question to you is simply this: Is buying an invisible bicycle for your pet a waste of money?
I'm selling these invisible pet bicycles on-line now in an attempt to be a successful entrepreneur, and the reaction has been overwhelming. Orders are up and I offer free shipping as an incentive. Who says that P. T. Barnham was wrong?
Re: Invisible pet bicycle. Don't get one. The little bastards leave them all over the den and the kitchen. You could break a leg. They, being cats, don't appreciate it anyway.
I was about to place an order when I read Wofat's review.
Whether blogging is a waste depends on what tour goals are. If, peerhaps, you have a personal goal to leave a written legacy to your family but don't have thw time to qwrite a book, blogging can be good. Politically, blogging in today's America helps to circumvent the liberal media. They do not have a lock on popular thought. Socially there are ways to network with people who share your interests. Blogging is what you make it.
It's too cute!-From long time I'm seeking for an moving path for my dachaund.-She is really needing of it for fitness.-Does someone know from where i can order an moving path for my fat dachaund.
A moving path might be called a "pet tread mill." Check the Internet.
Thank, WoFat!
I am wondering if my invisible cat, that I bought online, would like one of these, she might not be so fat if she got some exercise! :-)
What a great idea - invisible cats to go along with the invisible bicycles!
Now you're getting it, maybe we can team up and I can start to sell my invisible scratch posts, imported from Canada, how about that LL? I don't know about you but I throw in the shipping and handling for free cause that's the way some of us Alberta folks are.
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