- You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
- You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
- You can not bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
- You can not lift the wage earner up by putting the wage payer down.
- You can not further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
- You can not build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
- You can not help people by permanently doing for them, what they could and do for themselves.
The Democrat Trump-Musk Feud Strategy
Photo Credit:
AT via Magic Studio
The swamp dwellers are now in a quandary. They desperately need to derail
this Trump train.
10 hours ago
Hm. I didn't know Lincoln was on Twitter. These will make perfect tweets.
Thanks for that LL.
This is a very powerful message. Thank you for posting it. Too bad it probably won't be seen by the very people who need to see it.
I'm guessing he was shot by someone on social assistance ;)
Lincoln on twitter? Sure, they called it "note passing."
He was a very smart man. He just couldn't duck fast enough.
Sorry I haven't been by for awhile. I added a comment to your 8/31 DOJ post.
Seda - I responded to your comment on the DOJ post.
I was developing a healthy respect for you LL. Especially about the post on your other blog about all the csars. It makes me wonder how many blogs you need. As many as President Obama has csars?
Truth, lemme tell you. LL needs more blogs than this. He just makes due so with these in order to simplify things for the rest of us. Out of consideration, of course.
Truth 101 - The truth is that I could use another blog or two.
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