Will the MAGA Barbarian Invasion Succeed?
Photo Credit:
AT via Magic Studio
The great question of the moment is whether the Trump Revolution is
irreversible, or whether our Democratic friends w...
7 hours ago
LOL probably not. I'm going to read the last few pages of your book. I was up til 3 last night and just couldn't quite finish!
I really have to thank you LL, this is the first pleasure reading I have done in very long time, now I realize just how much I miss my reading. Your book has inspired me to make time to read a bit of something I can enjoy every day...mind you it's going to be tough to find someone who knows how to write like you do. As I have said before you are an extremely gifted writer.
Now about those sun glasses? :-)
LOL!! I feel sorry for the guy standing next to him :)
Azra: They guy doesn't look like he's playing with a full deck. Just the type to strap on explosives and board a school bus.
Darlin: I'm glad you've enjoyed the book! Recommend it to your friends (make them buy their own copy)...
LL I'm NOT lending this copy out, are you kidding, this copy will be worth millions one day with it being signed! I have been talking all around about your book, I'll mention it next time I'm at some of the major bookstores as well and see if they can bring in some copies... you just never know unless you ask.
Yep, a few olives short of a martini. I'm surprised they even let him in the group. But then again I'm sure they don't care about how crazy someone "looks" if they're all willing and prepared to die anyway :P
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