I don't know whether or not I'm the only one. That's why I'm putting it up for your diverse Internet feedback.

Maybe it's the line of work I'm in or maybe it's just me - or maybe I'm not unique?
Yes, it's true that I do have some "cool stuff" and my sons-in-law (I have four girls) are in on the act, claiming this rifle, that knife, my wristwatch or the dragon ring that I wear regularly.....
However, shouldn't they wait until my mortal clay is cold before they fight over my stuff?
That's not very nice LL... but it's still funny. We do the same to my Mom. Although, we never really mean that we want her gone. I'd rather have nothing and her in my life than any material thing / gadget. I'm sure your kids feel the same at the core ;)
Maybe at the CORE, Azra...
There is a short phrase that might come in handy. The last word of said phrase is "you."
My dad is in end stage terminal lymphoma. It is only in the past few months I have been laying claim to some of his stuff. I saw a nice painting he had hung up in the garage, an ocean scene, that I remember from the family room as a kid. He let me have it and it cleaned up nicely. He has given my son a few bows and arrows. He is mostly the instigator now of handing stuff off, although it had always been pointed out that my middle brother gets the black Baldwin concert grand piano. Haven't asked for any automobiles or other larger items. My dad doesn't wear jewelry. I'm grateful to get the painting-style print and a few other knickknacks.
So I guess nobody laid claim to much over the years, with the exception of the grand piano.
LL can I have the books you've written? The first copy of each of them that is? LOL My son asked me to teach them how to make perogies, he said that someone has to learn how to do this because I'm not going to be around forever... I told him I'm immortal! ;-) Nice way of asking eh? How could I say no to that? lol
Kids will be kids, no matter how old they get. Cheers.
As uncomfortable as it is, what it really means is that you should start a list so that consideration can be given to each one's desires. I'm sure every material item your family mentions has a unique meaning to each of them and you should acknowledge that by a bequest now (to be handed out later). You of all people know how fleeting life can be...wouldn't it be great for your kids to say "wow, I didn't realize he heard me!"
Anonymous - they all want the SAME things. Therein rests the dilemma.
Have I ever mentioned you've been like a father to me...
Its okay, I have an RV coming...I have to remind them to upgrade every several years, they wouldn't want me to inherit and old junker?!
I'll set aside a sum to allow you to purchase the new RV of your choice. Just so I know what you want (because I'd hate to disappoint), let me know if you'd prefer:
-Unimog RV
-Greyhound (style) bus conversion - think Rock Star or political campaign
-Horse Drawn Conestoga wagon - longer range but the team needs fodder to eat
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