My two oldest daughters announced independently of each other that they were each pregnant. When they compared notes, they found that the due dates were within 7 days of each other, which means that there is no telling which one of them will have a baby before the other. It's an interesting situation and to that end, I am posting this do/don't do care of infants guide. As a grandfather, I am very interested in what's going on --- and at the same time, I can sit on the sidelines (with popcorn) and watch things unfold.
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7 hours ago
This is hilarious! Congratulations, grandpa!!!
I do believe, with proper supervision, that bench pressing is okay…in moderation.
The voice of experience.
I think that so long as somebody is spotting the infant at the bench, they should be able to do a lift. The big question is whether they should attempt a clean and jerk before they can stand.
I don't see anything wrong with strapping your infant to the car seat, as long as you use Velcro strips on its back. That's also a good way to keep children out from underfoot by Velcroing them to the walls of your house.
Congratulations to your daughters and to Grandpa as well. As for the chart, LOL.
The chart is a serious guide for do/do not, Brighid.
Euripides, surgically emplaning velcro is clearly an option. Particularly as they approach age two.
Yes, well I was Seriously laughing. Please don't tell me this is a real chart...gah
It's as real as my blog is...
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