Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A thought for the day


Adrienne said...

Yep! It ranks right up there with my anti-Christian commie brother lamenting the non-Christian behavior of Christians who don't want anymore illegal alien invaders in the country.

I only know this since I see such things on his hate filled Facebook page. I haven't spoken to him in 6 peaceful years.

jenny said...


I suppose anti-gun folks would prefer we use devices that dissect and vacuum up anyone impinging upon our personal freedom. Terribly awkward to carry around, though, and only effective at close range. Liberals often fail to consider the logistics of their plans...

LSP said...

I like that "meme".

LL said...

I like the idea of a vacuum large enough to suck down liberals. I realize that it's impractical, but it's the thought that counts.

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