Ever since the movie came out in 1975, I believed that it was non-fiction.
In order to refresh your recollections, the town of Stepford, Connecticut had fawning, submissive, impossibly beautiful wives married to handsome, successful, brilliant men. The protagonist (the snake in the proverbial Garden of Eden) attempts to destroy the male paradise by delving into matters best left alone. In the end of the story, the protagonist, Joanna (Catherine Ross) has seen the error of her ways and is seen gliding through the aisles of a perfect supermarket buying food for hubby's dinner.

The 2004 film put a more sinister spin on the book.
But I still harbor the firm belief that the book was non-fiction.
you would...men!
Horror? Watch the Dems speak on the six o'clock news. Nazi Pelosi in particular.
My daughters are all perfect Stepford wives and my grandson is a perfect little boy.
Nancy Pelosi is a robot. If you look up, you'll see Barack Obama pulling the strings - but the cameras never pan up, do they?
However, I wouldn't classify her as a Stepford Wife. Simply as an evil fembot.
"...evil fembot."
Send in the clones!!
I never saw the remake. I remember watching the original movie as a kid. I really liked Ann Margaret, and I was horrified when they "got her". I remember hanging on with the Catherine Ross character rooting for her to avoid being subsumed. But alas....
I disagree with the assessment of Nancy Pelosi. I think she is so far up Obama's butt that her lips are actually doing the talking out of his mouth. She is one scary woman.
Julia, Have you ever noticed how the Pelosi eyes are actually robotic eyes. Look closely next time you see them on TV. They don't blink. They're like the eyes of a dead fish - no human expression - except of course, they're robotic eyes.
Opus #6, resistance is futile. They ALL became Stepford Wives in the original movie.
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