Good Idea or Bad Idea?
Essentially the concept is that the Canadian Provinces be accepted into the US as States and operate as one nation based on common interests in economics, defense, politics, history and culture. Canada and the US are each other's largest trading partners. Together they would be arguably stronger than they are apart.
There are too many "changes" happening right now. This would be too much. But it does remind me of the line in "Meet the Robinsons". The kid mentions Canada, and the folks from the future correct him, it's called "North Montana".
If we merge with Canada the price of whiskey will go up. Awful.
How would this work? Would the States have a prime minister or would Canada have a president?
Oops read first... then comment. So this proposses that we, as Canadians, would fall underneath the United States constitution...ok, I got that.. so this leaves me to question as to what would happen to our medical services coverage, or the many of our other benefits we as Canadians have come to love, and yes take for granted, due to the fact that we do not know what it's like to pay for an operation or hospital stay. I would say leave well enough alone, mind you who am I to say?
I'm with WoFat, the change in the price of whiskey would change the balance of life in the US - and would destroy civilization as we know it.
So Darlin is safe...for now.
LL incase this ever does transpire we can start up a moonshine business! Do you have a still kicking around by chance? Maybe as a backup for you and WoFat I'll start brewing and sell to you guys for half price!
WoFat lives in Alabama - moonshine country. I suspect that he has shine available to him if he doesn't manufacture for his own needs.
Another good idea gone bad, back to the drawing board!
Then there is the problem of finding policemen who want to wear red uniforms.
I'm afraid I'll be forced to move north if Mexico annexes California and we become Mexifornia. Would the Canadians turn me back if I tried to cross the border to pick produce?
The way to entice a policeman to wear red... "you see that big black horse over there, if you put this suit on you get to ride it", this seperates the men from the boys.
And Canada turn you away from the boarder, I highly doubt that. Tell them you know me!
Darlin - the officers will wear read uniforms if you tell them that the women love a man in a mountie uniform and you assure them they'll 'get laid'.
We're back to the "all men are pigs" - men have one thing on their mind argument. Not that it's an unfair argument...
I would worry the proposed Canadian states would be overwhelmed and muted in elections. We also are not big into guns (only about 1 in 5 Canadians have them) nor need them. Violent crime is much lower here relative to population, as is crime in general. I poke no fun at the states here.
You have to remember, Canada was formed in direct opposition to what he states was being formed with. Some "loyalists" at that time didn't agree with those that wanted an america, and were persecuted because of that belief. They fled to then British "Canada" and helped form the nation we have today.
Today, we still hold many different thoughts on things, and what we watch and buy at a supermarket, are not good indicators of a nations relations.
Yes we are close friends, but most Canadians have no interest in moving in together. :)
Since states can have their own laws nothing would happen to the health care system unless the new state changes it's mind
Your way of life wouldn't change at all since states can have their own laws they would just keep their previous laws and have open borders with the US.
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