It's different in different hemispheres, but Spring is springing in Southern California. Birds are chirping as they move north (as the snowpack recedes) and bees buzz.
Anastasia explains it this way:
It runs this way as you walk through springtime in Germany:
There's nothing NOT to like about James Bond films.
Oh, sure, you have your favorite Bond:
Sean Connery
George Lazenby
Roger Moore
Timothy Dalton
Pierce Brosnan
Daniel Craig
As the central figure for his works, Ian Fleming created the fictional character of James Bond, an intelligence officer in the Secret Intelligence Service, commonly known as MI6. Bond was also known by his code number, 007, and was a Royal Navy Reserve Commander.
Fleming took the name for his character from that of the American ornithologist James Bond, a Caribbean bird expert and author of the definitive field guide, "Birds of the West Indies"; Fleming, a keen birdwatcher himself, had a copy of Bond's guide and he later explained to the ornithologist’s wife that "It struck me that this brief, unromantic, Anglo-Saxon and yet very masculine name was just what I needed, and so a second James Bond was born". He further explained that: When I wrote the first one in 1953, I wanted Bond to be an extremely dull, uninteresting man to whom things happened; I wanted him to be a blunt instrument...when I was casting around for a name for my protagonist I thought by God, (James Bond) is the dullest name I ever heard. —Ian Fleming, The New Yorker, 21 April 1962
On another occasion Fleming said: "I wanted the simplest, dullest, plainest-sounding name I could find, "James Bond" was much better than something more interesting, like "Peregrine Carruthers". Exotic things would happen to and around him, but he would be a neutral figure—an anonymous, blunt instrument wielded by a government department."
My favorite James Bond Theme Song
My second favorite James Bond Theme Song
"It takes two kills to become a 00 rated case officer"...
And then there are the "Bond girls" like:
Olga Kurylenko, who doesn't seem all that happy in handcuffs?
But seems to be thrilled to be at the movie premier.
I seriously didn't think that I'd ever live long enough to have a daughter who was 29 years old. Amanda is not one of those ladies who is 29 forever -- ok, maybe she will be, but today she's genuinely 29.
This blog has many elements and depending on your interests, may pique your imagination...or not. I urge you to be unreasonable. Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. The unreasonable persist in trying to adapt the world to themselves, therefore all progress depends on unreasonable people. The more unreasonable you are, the more likely you are to enjoy this blog. All men dream, but not equally.
If you're a socialist or a Marxist, you'll find that I poke fun at your absurd notions of "good government" on a regular basis. So you might not wish to follow this blog because you'll be offended.
John Locke said, "One unerring mark of the love of truth is not entertaining any proposition with greater assurance than the proofs it is built upon will warrant." I like what Locke said. We can't theorize without adequate information because when we do we inevitably twist facts to suit theories rather than theories to suit facts. In this blog and in my life, I try to maintain this perspective.
Either you believe in our essential spark of shared divinity, or you succumb to our human insecurity. Either way your conscience lets you slice it, the main thing is to earnestly do what is right at the time.
Today, I balance work and play as much as anyone can. All things remaining equal, play is more important. Life is short - it's important to make every day count for something, if only to yourself.
I'm a former tinker/tailor/soldier/sailor who has now decided that maybe it really wasn't all done for nothing.
Poundmaker's 2019 Powwow
Wow, it's hard to believe I've neglected my blog for so long. I haven't
even shared photos of our annual Powwow yet and this was back in August.
I'll sh...
A rose by any other name...
I've been busier than ever. And yet somehow, I still manage to find the
time to stare out of a window or become distracted with all the (hilarious)
meme's ...
Grateful That It Wasn't Worse
We got home from the hospital this afternoon... exhausted. Yesterday
(Monday) I had to undergo a hastily scheduled surgery on my replacement
shoulder afte...
Am I Missing Something...
John Podesta's emails.
The Russian's hacked the election. They "hacked" into the Democratic
National Committee's computers. And they guy's emails...