Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Holiday

Last Sunday the family gathered for a traditional Thanksgiving so that the various components could have Thanksgiving dinner at their other family unit's homes. It's not the norm, but it works and so it is. I planned to spend Thanksgiving eating a hamburger or something. (Jack-in-the-Box is open)

However, my oldest girl invited me to her home for Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving day -- so I'll feast twice. My wasteline didn't need it, but it will be fun all the same.

My Grandson, Griffin, seemed to have a great time at the Sunday Thanksgiving. I'm sure that he is looking forward to double-dipping. He's a growing boy.

Griffin can say the alphabet and can count to thirteen. He's looking forward to the arrival of his little brother, Cannon, in March. He pats my daughter's tummy and talks to his brother. (very cute)


Just a conservative girl said...

What a cutie he is!!!

Almost as cute as mine.

LL said...

Conservative Girl -- NO grandchildren are cuter than mine are. I will allow you a very close second... ;^)

darlin said...

AHEM, my granddaughter is equally as cute, and your grandson is so adorable. He looks like a mini Admiral. And he's extremely intelligent as well, that's amazing that he knows so much already. How old is he now, 2? That's so cute that he talks to his brother, I only hope that when my granddaughter is Griffin's age that she's talking to her sibling in her mommy's tummy. You (we) are blessed.

Two dinners, now that's a blessing in disguise. Happy Thanksgiving a bit early, just encase I don't make it back to your blog site before then.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Happy Thanksgiving Twice !

Az said...

Hope your Thanksgiving weekend was great... & yep, very cute :)

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