The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a fictional team of four teenage anthropomorphic turtles, named after four Renaissance artists, trained by a large rat (Splinter) in karate. From their home in the storm sewers of New York City, they battle petty criminals, evil overlords, mutated creatures, and alien invaders while attempting to remain hidden from society.
They came into popular media when my children were young. Now that I have grandchildren, they are making a come-back and my 6 year old grandson wanted a turtle themed birthday cake.
According to comic book lore, the pet turtles were flushed down the toilet into the New York City sewer system where they came in contact with radioactive material and grew to be about 5'5" tall. Yes, the scenario is realistic.
Grandchildren. Slowly, very slowly the tree bends.
Ha-- very cute. And I approve of his choice; I was always Donatello when my siblings and I pretended.
I can't keep them straight. They always ask me which turtle I like best and I say, "Shredder", "Splinter" or "April". The boys find my response disturbing and frustrating -- which is my intent.
oh dear. [shakes head] I am now disturbed and frustrated, too.
There has been no hedgehawg report for quite some time, Jenny. If you flushed begonia and she came back 5'5" (and in search of human blood), you'd certainly regret your decision. Just a word to the wise.
If Begonia ever comes into contact with radioactive material, I will give you two days notice (so you can flee) before dropping her off in OC, where havoc is well-deserved. (Ooo, perhaps she will be "discovered", star in a feature film, and secure me millions!! I shall consult with my financial advisor about this plan. I think it's golden.)
Too cute.
My favorite Turtle, by the way, is April.
Awesome cake, awesomer grandson!
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