Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holiday Joy

What do you buy a person in the US, with liberal leanings, for Christmas? May I offer two suggestions?

Buy it HERE (
The Bill Clinton cork screw is as timeless as Bill is. I suggested to a friend that he draw a picture of Bill Clinton holding an Obama hand puppet as a symbol of the new Executive Leadership in America. The Bill Clinton screw requires that you bring your own blue dress to the party. And if the champagne pops and you get some on you - please take the dress to the dry cleaners promptly.

The Hillary Clinton nutcracker is a must-have for Christmas gift exchanges with your favorite womyn liberal. It's one of those things that brings profound symbolism and helps you crack those tough nuts.

And for those whose gift exchange favors a more conservative bent, there is no finer gift than the gift of sanitation. Think of your favorite president with every wipe!


Stephanie Faris said...

That toilet paper would seriously creep me out!

Nate said...

I was thinking a more personal (and functional) gift for your favorite Liberal would be a pacifier, considering how infantile most of them are.

LL said...

The pacifier would work, Watcher. But liberal women are drawn to the nutcracker...

Steph, It would be worse if the TP had a face texture to it.

WoFat said...

Great! Let Freedom ring.

Opus #6 said...

I saw the post title Holiday Joy and expected to see pictures of your grandchildren.

The pics I saw had me rolling. Super funny post!!!!!

LL said...

Opus, part of the joy of the season is in presenting liberals with gifts they so richly deserve. As Wo Fat puts it, "Let Freedom Ring!"

AmandaFienPhotography said...

Nice...just what I need! :)

darlin said...

LOL, now this is funny! So tell me LL, where does one buy one of "those" blue dresses?

LL said...

Darlin - Blue dresses can be purchased at any retailer. Getting the "Clinton seal of approval" may not be as difficult as you might think...even these days.

Amanda - I thought the Hillary nut cracker might help you keep Braden in line...

darlin said...

Blues not really my color, not does that man attract my attention in any way shape or form. I'll skip the blue dress. If it's that easy to get the seal of approval, who wants it? Well besides Monica.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I got some of those already to beat the rush.

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