It's summer and I am not about to grow a beard in the heat of summer, however, I have been giving some thought to growing a beard.
This is what I look like now, old, white hair, not as dangerous as I once was. And no beard. (lion in winter) You can't grow a beard of any significance when you're in the military because of (1) regulations and (2) it interferes with the dive gear.
Yes, if you're in Afghanistan, you can pull it off. However I was in Afghanistan back before the Russians invaded (before Afghanistan was cool) and didn't grow a beard back then.
Then I worked for the Orange County District Attorney's Office and no beard there either. Then back to USGOV in Mexico, and off hunting MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defense Systems - retrieving Stinger missiles that rag heads and thugs stole) again no beard.
Now I'm Vice Pres. and Chief Operating Officer of my own company and I can do whatsoever I please including growing a beard.
Author near USS Cavalla, Sea of Cortez, DDS Op. |
I'll put it to the bloggers. What do you think?
Beard/No Beard?