Kepler Explores the Solar System -- not ours.
I'm a science nerd - a space information junkie - one of those people who genuinely delights in these sorts of discoveries (link above).
And a bit closer to home:
Jupiter lost a stripe in its atmosphere.
I'm not sure why it happened and I don't think scientists know either.
Will Trump be a Titan Worthy of McKinley?
Photo Credit:
AT via Magic Studio
McKinley delivered for the workingman and elevated the U.S. to global power
status. Donald Trump plans to do the same...
7 hours ago
Oh WOW! I'm always utterly fascinated with outter space. I guess it always reminds me how trivial and insignificant the world, and our problems, are.
Azra - it's a big universe and as Carl Sagan once put it, 'our planet is like a speck of dust -- a mote in a sunbeam'.
However to us, it's an important mote of dust.
It happened BECAUSE. Don't you know nothing?
Global Warming!
Jupiter must have global warming!
I never thought to ask Al Gore -- but I'm sure he'd know. Al knows EVERYTHING! (just ask him)
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